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时间:2017-06-02 来源:雅思(ielts)考试网 浏览次数:376  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

  Undue -- unravel The price for peace The unilateral agreement was meant to be unobtrusive.和平的代价单方协议应该 考

  Undue -- unravel The price for peace The unilateral agreement was meant to be unobtrusive.
和平的代价单方协议应该 考虑周全.
When undue pressure was put on one country, however, The agreement unraveled, leading to unparalleled chaos.
但是当不应有的压力 施加在一个国家 头上的时候, 协议就会解释清楚, 结果造成无比的混乱.
The mother nation unloaded evidence That the renegade nation had been unproductive
In fulfilling the terms of agreement. That nation responded in turn that the agreement was unfair from the start.
在履行协议条款方面而那个国家回应说, 这个协议从一开始 就不公平.
Smaller nations soon united with the renegade nation To form a union opposed to the primary nation.
一些更小的国家很快 和叛逆国联合起来结成联盟反对母国.
It suddenly seemed that there was universal opposition to the largest nation on the planet. The unique situation became even more unprecedented
地球上好像突然出现了 一种普遍反对最大 国家的情绪.这种独一无二的情况 变得更加史无前例.
When the main nation unplugged every nation of the union That it had controlled all along.
from the international communications network由于一直控制国际通讯 网络的大国把所有 联盟国都踢出了网络,
It was uniform in its tactics for each nation And unlikely to turn the system back on until the unfortunate rebellion was crushed.
它对每个国家采取 的策略都是一样的, 除非不幸的叛乱被镇压 否则不太可能重新恢复 原有的体系.
The rebellion nations could not communicate with each other. There was no way they could remain unified for long
那些叛逆国相互 之间无法沟通, 无法长期保持统一,
And lesser nations quickly broke away from the breakaway union To get back in line with the dominant nation.
更小的国家迅速 离开了叛逆国联盟, 回去与统治国保持一致
They recognized that the universe had one master And there was no way to back away from it.
他们承认世界有 一个主宰, 离开它是不可能的.
Each nation eventually returned. The unintentional consequence of this event was twelve years of peace.
最后所有国家 都回来了.这次事件无意中带来了 12年的和平岁月.
When the former rebellious union was formed again, however, The dominant nation fell.
然而, 当昔日的叛逆国 联盟重新成立的时候, 统治国就垮台了.
Its former tactics failed Because each rebel nation now had
原来的那些策略 就不管用了, 由于每个叛逆国 现在都有了
Its own independent communications network, Military, and infrastructure.
自己独立的 通讯系统、武装部队和基础设施,
It had no control over them. The control of the universe was open again.
统治国再也控制 不了叛逆国了.对世界的控制权 现在又开放了,
Decades of war followed.....
接着就是几十年的 战争......



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