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时间:2013-09-10 来源:英语等级考试网 浏览次数:184  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

SectionIII Reading Comprehension(40minutes)46. Thewriter wants us to understand that a child___ [A] hasto be taught

       SectionIII  Reading Comprehension
46. Thewriter wants us to understand that a child___
[A] hasto be taught how to play
[B]likes a toy
[C]matures through play  
[D] cangrow up with toys
7. Toyshave several functions except___
[A]helping children to play
[B]urging children to play
[C]recommending ways for children to play
[D]asking children to play
48. Thepassage tells us that children are the most curious when they are about___
[A] fouryears old  
[B] sixyears old
[C] oneyear old  
[D] twoyears old
49. Thepassage is about___
[A] theimportance of education
[B] theimportance of play
[C] thechildren's speech development
[D] therelationship between play and study
50.Which of the following does the author NOT express?
[A] Thefunction of toys is to inspire play.
[B] Goodtoys are very important to the children's growth.
[C] Toysshould be chosen according to children's ages.
[D] Toysare still the main source of learning for a student.
51. Nowa nation's political influence depends on___
[A] thestrength of its military forces
[B] itsability to compete in industry
[C]economic markets
[D] bothA and B
52. TheSoviet Union was not being listed as a third-world nation just because of___
[A] it'spowerful military forces
[B] it'svast land
[C] it'sindustrial competitiveness
[D] it'scontributions to world peace
53. Theauthor indicates that___is threatening American political power.
[A]other countries
[B] thedeclining U.S.industrial base
[C] anew standard for measuring power
[D] lessadvanced technology
54.America succeeded in shaping world events over the past 40 years probablybecause of___
[A] it'sability .to adapt technology
[B] it'sability to take advantage of the capabilities of its people
[C] it'sability to compete in the world markets
[D] bothA and B
55. Thepurpose of writing this article is___
[A] todraw the readers' attention to a new standard for measuring power
[B] todemonstrate Americapolitical influence in the world
[C] toemphasize that effort must be made to strengthen the declining U. S, industrialbase
[D] toshow American industrial prowess
56. Thispassage ismainly concerned with___
[A]people'sgrowing interest in natural foods
[B]natural food and healthy diet
[C] theimportance of fibre in foods
[D]harrnfuleffects of sugar
57. Thepassage tells us that___
[A]sugar is bad for the health
[B] theuse of sugar is habit forming
[C]people need sugar to give them energy
[D]sugar provides us with nothing useful
58.Which of the following is a reason for people's growing interest in naturalfoods?
[A] Theywant to return to nature.
[B] Theywant to eat all kinds of foods.
[C]Natural foods are very delicious.
[D] Theyare more health conscious.
59. Foodthat is rich in organic matter___
[A] hasbeen nourished by fertilizers
[B]contains vegetable matter that has not been consumed
[C] hashad chemicals and fertilizer added to it
[D]contains large quantifies of vitamins
60.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
[A]Chickens are fed on food which is little better than garbage.
[B]Chickens live in very crowded condition.
[C] Theeggs chickens produce lack vitamins.
[D]Chickens are free to move about.




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