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时间:2013-10-03 来源:实用英语考试网 浏览次数:269  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

   In February, job seeker Dawn Siff, a former radio journalist, used Twitter's new video program, Vine, to create a

        In February, job seeker Dawn Siff, a former radio journalist, used Twitter's new video program, Vine, to create a six-second video Resume. In the spot, Ms. Siff, wielding whimsical props such as a Rubik's Cube, light bulb and a light saber, says she is an 'idea machine,' as well as a journalist, strategist, manager and 'deadline Jedi.' 这个视频在网上被大量转发,她在推特上的关注者增加了三倍,电视上也对她进行了报道。
  The tweet went viral, leading her to increase her Twitter followers fourfold and earn television coverage. 斯弗刚刚得到了一家大型媒体公司项目经理的工作。尽管Vine视频并不是她得到这份工作的直接原因,但她说,她的视频让公司高管印象深刻。
  Ms. Siff just started a new job as a project manager with a major media company. While the Vine video wasn't directly responsible for the job, she says that executives at the firm were impressed by it. 斯弗说,这是一个新的时代,人人都需要发出声音,人们想要留下自己的数字轨迹。
  'This is a new era where everyone needs to have a voice, and you want to leave a digital trail of yourself,' says Ms. Siff. 然而,埃里克•怀特(Eric White)就没那么幸运了。怀特曾经是一名记者,他想要进入公关行业。他在推特上发了一个简历链接,但是由于他的账户只有几十个关注者,他的简历并没有引起太多注意。最后,他决定自己创办一家公关公司。
  Not so lucky was Eric White a former journalist seeking to break into public relations, who tweeted a link to his CV, but with only a few dozen followers, he didn't get much traction. In the end, he opted to start his own PR firm. 招聘公司和求职者在推特上找到对方之后,接下来就是传统的招聘流程了:应聘者可能会发一个简历的链接或是更完整的社交网络简历,然后就是电话面试或现场面试。
  After recruiters and job seekers find each other over Twitter, more traditional means of hiring usually take over: Candidates may tweet a link to a Resume or a more complete social-media profile, followed by phone or in-person interviews. 不过,在最初求职者与企业建立联系的过程中,职业资源网站TheMuse.com的创始人兼首席执行长凯瑟琳•敏舒(Kathryn Minshew)推荐使用这种140字的简历。
  But for making that first connection, Kathryn Minshew, founder and chief executive of career-resource site TheMuse.com, for one, is an advocate of the 140-character Resume. 她解释说,推特信息就是新的“电梯游说”。
  A tweet, she explains, 'is the new elevator pitch.'




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